1) Be nice to everybody

Everybody at Kazfest has been selected because they are nice people. Let’s make everybody feel welcome.

2) Never leave a fallen soldier behind

If you see someone ill or in a bad way, help them or call someone who can. The official health and safety officer is the one and only Marcus

3) Support the performers

Everybody deserves their time to shine so if someone is performing, give them support and encouragement.

4) Respect the land

We have secured a beautiful location for Kazfest, please respect it by taking care of the space, using bins/recycling and generally just looking after the place. 

5) Get involved

If you see an activity taking place, have a go. Everybody at Kazfest is your friend or your friends’ friend, so introduce yourself, get stuck in and make some memories.

6) Fancy dress is a must

On Saturday, as is standard at Kazfest, we have a mandatory fancy dress competition. Whether you buy your outfit or make it (you don’t have to spend money), you MUST take part. 

7) Use your head

Don’t do stupid things on site. We’re all adults so we’re pretty sure you know what this means, but for clarity, we’re talking things like lighting up open fires (camping stoves ok), going where you’re not supposed to (everything will be signposted) or messing with equipment. 

8) Make yourself at home

Let’s all make a conscious effort to ensure our loos and showers stay clean & tidy. This has always been achieved in previous years so let’s continue this trend. Makes a huge difference!

9) Know your limits

We know you’re excited and the temptation is to go straight to 6th gear, but Kazfest is a marathon, not a sprint. If you get in such a pickle that someone has to babysit you, you’re going to possibly ruin someone else’s fun. Don’t be that guy/girl!

10) Spread the love

Remember, the heart of Kazfest is community and connection. Share smiles, offer compliments, and spread positivity. Let’s make sure everyone leaves with more friends than they came with. Let the love flow freely!